This site is for all who love the writings of L.M. Montgomery. Especially the "Anne of Green Gables" series
Published on January 13, 2004 By annegirl In Books
I love the "Anne of Green Gables" series. There is something about the stories that brings peace to my busy life. Who wouldn't want to live on a beautiful island with nothing to do but roam fields with your bosom friend? But then I think about how Anne's life was before she came to live in Prince Edward Island. I cannot imagine how it felt to live out her childhood as an orphan. I have been blessed with wonderful parents and I would not trade my childhood for anything. So I have decided that Anne had to go through a lot before she had the blessed life we read about! Though I guess it was not without its small curses! Though I could hardly imagine that being pursued by a boy like Gilbert for years could have been that dreadful! I guess that is a reminder to me not to let my pride get so out of hand that I spurn the very thing that could bring me great joy. This is just a couple of reasons why I love Anne.
on Jan 15, 2004
Sweetie, you are developing in your ability to write and speak - I am so proud of you. God is working in your life in ways you cannot see, nor comprehend just now. Know that the annegirl that he has created is being prepared for the Gilbert of your, let's see, where is my shotgun?
on Jan 30, 2004
I LOVE ANNE OF GREEN GABLES/AVENLY!!!!! I became obsessed with "Kindred spirits", "anne with an E" , "Bosom Friends" , "Wouldnt' it be romantic?", and "I shall always consider you a benefactrice". I'm happy to see another blogger out there who shares my love. Trinitie (Check out my blog sometime!)

p.s. your daddy seems so sweet (jealousy)