This site is for all who love the writings of L.M. Montgomery. Especially the "Anne of Green Gables" series
annegirl's Articles
September 22, 2004 by annegirl
I am so sad to hear about Britney Spears second marriage gone weird. First the 55 hour screw up wedding, now a fake wedding because the prenup couldn't be ironed out in time for the wedding day. She had to buy her own engagement ring for heavens sake! I have just one question...where is her Dad? It seems so obvious that this girl is crying out for someone, anyone to love her for who she is. She started out so sweet, got caught in the show biz whirl wind, got ratted out by Justin and jus...
February 16, 2004 by annegirl
As the oldest of 12 children, eating out has always been an interesting experience. Usually mom will get out of the car first to see how long the wait is until we can get a table. With as big as our family is we always have to wait for a table (or tables!) It is always interesting how they will arrange the seating. Some will pull all the tables together in the middle of the restaurant. This results in live entertainment for the rest of the diners (much to our chagrin). Who likes being watched wh...
January 19, 2004 by annegirl
As a secret agent of the United States it is my job to evaluate all possible threats to see if they present a clear and present danger to our national security. I am involved in many operations but this operation was different. It had influence over many Americans. I had to proceed with utmost caution. I split my operation into three different categories. 1. Fact Finding 2. Surveillance 3. Scientific Tests of Evidence I named this top secret mission Krispy Kreme Alert! #1 Fact findi...
January 16, 2004 by annegirl
2 gallons of milk, 5 dozen eggs, 3 heads of lettuce, 3 loaves of bread, 5 boxes of cereal. Cooking for an army? No-just a normal shopping list for my family! Life in a big family is and has always been fun for me. Who else can come home after work and be grabbed around the knees by a little sister that you can still toss in the air without damage to either party!? There is always someone to talk to or fight with depending on your mood! There is no such thing as boredom or loneliness at our h...
January 13, 2004 by annegirl
I love the "Anne of Green Gables" series. There is something about the stories that brings peace to my busy life. Who wouldn't want to live on a beautiful island with nothing to do but roam fields with your bosom friend? But then I think about how Anne's life was before she came to live in Prince Edward Island. I cannot imagine how it felt to live out her childhood as an orphan. I have been blessed with wonderful parents and I would not trade my childhood for anything. So I have decided that Ann...